Reservation by visiting : Health Promotion Center on the 5th floor, Head and Neck Cancer Center (New Building)
Reservation by calling : ☎ 02 - 2224 - 2177~8, ☎ 02 - 2152 - 1093
Business Hours for Reservation : 08:30-11:30AM / 01:30-04:30 PM during weekdays. Saturdays: 08:30-11:30 AM
Change of Reservation : Please call to change your reservation at least 7 days before the scheduled health checkup day.
Business hours for reservation and the health checkup schedules are subject to change depending on the circumstances of the hospital.
The Health Promotion Center will send the Health Checkup Guide (Cautions for Health Checkup, Questionnaire, and Stool Sample Kit) to clients when the reservation is completed.